RCOS Mentoring Feedback


Hello everyone,

I am proud to announce that I was an RCOS mentor this semester. It was a great experience that proved benefitial to everyone. It enabled me to help a subset of RCOS teams stay on task throughout the semester.

I am currently a junior and this will be my third semester with RCOS. In the beginning, my involvement was to strengthen security of the existing YACS. By implementing Docker, YACS website’s performance and security improved the foundation of YACS. Another feature I implemented was Nginx to replace existing Apache. With Nginx, it induced great performance improvements. This is because Nginx caches static files. In the “nginx.config” file that I made for YACS on Docker, I configured Nginx to cache images, css, js, svg, html, xml files for 30 days.

I am a mentor for RCOS this junior year. I had completed a summer internship (after completing my sophomore year) that catapulted my view of how all aspects of how a tech company works efficiently. With that experience, I came away with just how many teams are involved with project ideas. As a software engineer summer intern, coding was not enough. It involves a legal team in place (whom always had the last say to any project ideas (and believe me, many ideas were scrapped) due to possible trademark and copyright infringements if the ideas came to fruition. They also have stakeholders whom you present your prototypes and progresses that you are expected to give weekly standup meetings with occasional presentations to update your work or if finished, demonstrations. Being ask to be a RCOS mentor, I hoped the teams will understand just how much are involved to just coding a project. Research and keeping what you code secured are essential proponents before anything goes live to the public.
